20th of September

The 20th of the Month, Memory of the Holy Great Martyr EUSTATHIUS, of his wife THEOPISTA and of their children AGAPIUS and THEOPISTUS; the Holy Confessors of the Holy Icons and Martyrs HYPATIUS the bishop, and ANDREW the priest; the Holy Confessor and Martyr MICHAEL, Prince of CHERNIGOV, NOVGOROD and KIEV and of his Boyar THEODORE

St. Eustathius the Great Martyr

19th of September

The 19th of the month, Memory of the Holy Martyrs TROPHIMUS, SABBATIUS and DORYMEDON; the Holy Prince THEODORE of YAROSLAVL, and of his sons DAVID and CONSTANTINE; Saint THEODORE, Archbishop of CANTERBURY; Venerable Father ALEXIS, founder of the Monastery of SAINT ZOSIMAS; the Holy Hieromartyr, the Archpriest CONSTANTINE GOLUBEV, and of his two companions

St. Constantine Golubev

16th of September

The 16th of the month, Memory of the Holy Great Martyr EUPHEMIA of CHALCEDON; the Holy Martyr LUDMILLA, Princess of the Czechs; our Holy Father Saint CYPRIAN, Metropolitan of KIEV and of All Russia; our Holy Father PROCOPIUS of SAZAVA; the Holy Hieromartyr CYPRIAN of CARTHAGE; our Venerable Father KUKSHA (Velichko) of ODESSA, Archimandrite of the Great Habit

15th of September

The 15th of the month, Memory of the Holy Martyr NICETAS the GOTH; Saint SYMEON, Archbishop of THESSALONICA; our Holy Father BESSARION II, Metropolitan of LARISSA; the Venerable Gerasimus of Sourvia, who died in peace; the Holy New Martyr JOHN of CRETE, hanged at New Ephesus in 1811

St. Nicetas the Goth

14th of September

The 14th of the month, Feast of the Universal EXALTATION of the Precious and Life-giving CROSS; the One Hundred and Seventy Holy Fathers assembled in the SIXTH ECUMENICAL COUNCIL, held at Constantinople in 680 against the Monothelites; the Most Pious Empress PLACILLA, wife of the Emperor Theodosius the Great

13th of September

The 13th of the month, Vigil of the Exaltation of the Venerable and Life-giving Cross, and Commemoration of the Dedication of the Basilica of the Resurrection; Memory of the Holy Great Martyr KETEVAN, Queen of GEORGIA; Saint ARISTIDES of ATHENS, the Philosopher; our Venerable Father CORNELIUS of OLONETS, and his companions DIONYSIUS and MISAËL

9th of September

The 9th of the month, Synaxis of the Righteous Ancestors of God JOACHIM and ANNA; Memory of the Great Martyr SEVERIAN of SEBASTE; THE TWO HUNDRED GOD-BEARING FATHERS, gathered at Ephesus in 431 for the THIRD HOLY ECUMENICAL COUNCIL that anathematized the impious Nestorius; our Holy Father JOSEPH of VOLOKOLAMSK

8th of September

The 8th of the month, Nativity of our SOVEREIGN LADY the most Holy MOTHER of GOD and ever Virgin MARY; our Venerable Father SERAPION of the Monastery of St SAVIOUR and St ELEAZAR, at PSKOV; our Venerable Father AMPHILOCHIUS the HESYCHAST, Abbot of the Monastery of PANGARATI in Moldavia

5th of September

The 5th of the month, Memory of the Holy and Glorious Prophet ZACHARIAS, Father of Saint John the Baptist and Forerunner; Holy Martyrs ABDA the bishop, HORMIZD and SUNIN of PERSIA; Holy Hieromartyr ATHANASIAS, Abbot of the Monastery of St Symeon the Stylite at BREST-LITOVSK

St. Zachariah

4th of September

The 4th of the month, Memory of the Holy Hieromartyr BABYLOS, Bishop of Antioch and of the three children who were his disciples: URBAN, PRIDILIAN and EPOLONIUS; Memory of the Holy Prophet and Law-giver MOSES the God-seer; Memory of Saint HERMIONE, of of the Apostle Philip's daughters, who died in peace; Memory of the Venerable ANTHIMUS the BLIND, the New Ascetic of Cephalonia; Memory of the Holy New Hieromartyr GORAZD, Bishop of SLOVAKIA and the CZECH LANDS; Memory of the Holy Martyr JERUSALEM of Beroea, and of her three sons: Secundus, Secundicus and Segoras

Holy Prophet and Law-Giver Moses

3rd of September

The 3rd of the month, Memory of the Holy Hieromartyr ANTHIMUS, Bishop of NICOMEDIA; the Venerable Father THEOCTISTUS, Companion in ascesis of Saint Euthymius the Great; the Holy Martyr BASILISSA; the Hieromartyr ARISTION, Bishop of ALEXANDRIA, who was burnt to death; the Holy New Martyr POLYDORUS, who was hanged at NEW EPHESUS in 1794; our Holy Father JOANNICIUS, Archbishop and first Patriarch of SERBIA

St. Joannicius of Serbia

1st of September

The 1st of the month, the Day of the INDICTION or beginning of the New Ecclesiastical Year; Memory of our God-bearing Father SYMEON STYLITES the ELDER; Memory of the falling asleep of the Righteous JOSHUA the son of NUN; Memory of the Venerable MELETIUS the YOUNGER, who led the ascetic life on MOUNT MYOUPOLIS near Thebes and died in peace

St. Symeon Stylites the Elder