10th of February

On the 10th of the month, we keep the Memory of the Blessed Hieromartyr CHARALAMPUS, of Saints PORPHYRIUS and BAPTUS, the tormentors of Saint Charalampus, and of the Three Holy WOMEN of Magnesia, who on beholding his martyrdom believed in Christ and were beheaded; the Holy Martyrs ENNATHA, VALENTINA and PAUL; our Venerable Father ZENO; our Venerable Father PROCHORUS of the Lavra of the CAVES of KIEV; SYNAXIS of the holy Bishops of NOVGOROD: JOACHIM. LUKE, GERMANUS, ARCADIUS. GREGORY (Gabriel), MARTYRIUS, ANTONY, BASIL, SIMEON, and SERAPION; Saint SCHOLASTICA

Sts. Benedict & Scholastica