On the 23rd of the month, we keep the Memory of the Holy Hieromartyr CLEMENT Bishop of ANCYRA, and of the Holy Martyr AGATHANGELUS; the Venerable EUSEBIUS; the Venerable MAESMAS the SYRIAN; the Venerable SALAMAN the HESYCHAST; our Venerable Father DIONYSIUS of OLYMPUS; the Venerable GENNADIUS of KOSTROMA
22nd of January
On the 22nd of the month, we keep the Memory of the Holy Apostle TIMOTHY; the Holy Monk and Martyr ANASTASIUS the PERSIAN; the Holy Hieromartyrs MANUEL, GEORGE, PETER, and LEO; and of their Companions GABRIEL, SIONIUS, JOHN, LEO, PARODUS and of the THREE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-SEVEN other Holy Martyrs; our Venerable Father JOSEPH SAMAKOS the SANCTIFIED, of CRETE; the Venerable MACARIUS the Wonderworker, Abbot of the Monastery of ZHABIN
21st of January
On the 21st of the month, we keep the Memory of our Venerable Father MAXIMUS the CONFESSOR; the holy Martyr NEOPHYTUS of NICAEA; the Holy Martyr AGNES of ROME; our Venerable Father ZOSIMUS of SYRACUSE; our Venerable Father MAXIMUS the GREEK
20th of January
On the 20th of the month, we keep the Memory of our Venerable Father EUTHYMIUS the GREAT; Saint PETER the TAX COLLECTOR; the Holy New Martyr ZACHARIAS, who suffered at Old Patras in 1782; Saint EUTHYMIUS of TRNOVO, Patriarch of BULGARIA; our Venerable Father THEODORE (Kuzmich) of TOMSK; our Venerable Father EUTHYMIUS KERESELIDZE, the Confessor
St. Euthymius the Great
19th of January
On the 19th of the month, we celebrate the Memory of our Venerable Godbearing Father MACARIUS the GREAT, known as the EGYPTIAN; our Venerable Godbearing Father MACARIUS of ALEXANDRIA, known as the CITIZEN; Saint ARSENIUS, Archbishop of CORFU; our Venerable Father MELETIUS the CONFESSOR of Mount Galesion; our holy Father MARK EUGENIKOS, Metropolitan of EPHESUS and Confessor of the Orthodox Faith; the Holy Martyr ANTONY RAWAH the Qoraisite
18th of January
The 18th of the month, we keep the Memory of our Holy Fathers ATHANASIUS and CYRIL, Patriarchs of ALEXANDRIA; the Holy Martyr THEODULIA and of her Companions HELLADIUS, BOETHIUS, EVAGRIUS and MACARIUS; Saint JOACHIM I, Patriarch of TRNOVO; our Venerable Father, the Hieromonk ALEXIS SHOUSHANIA
17th of the January
On the 17th of the month, we celebrate the Memory our Holy Godbearing Father ANTONY the GREAT; the Most Pious Emperor THEODOSIUS the GREAT; our Venerable Father ANTONY the YOUNGER, ascetic and wonderworker who lived in the skate of BEROIA; our Venerable Father MACARIUS (Kalogeras) of PATMOS; the Holy New Martyr GEORGE of IOANNINA
16th of January
On the 16th of the month, we celebrate the Veneration of the precious CHAINS of the Holy and Glorious Apostle PETER; Memory of the Holy Martyrs and brothers according to the flesh: SPEUSIPPIUS, MELEUSIPPIUS, and of their grandmother NEONILLA; the Holy New Martyr DAMASCENE, who was hanged in 1771; our Holy Father HONORATUS, Bishop of ARLES and founder of the Monastery of LERINS
15th of January
The 15th of the month, we celebrate the Memory of our Venerable Father PAUL of THEBES; our Venerable Father JOHN the KALYVITE; the Holy Martyr PANSOPHIUS of ALEXANDRIA; the Venerable GABRIEL, founder of the Monastery of LESNOVO in Bulgaria; our Venerable Father MAURIUS, disciple of Saint Benedict; Saint GERASIMUS II (Palladian), Patriarch of ALEXANDRIA; our Holy Father NECTARIUS of TOBOLSK
14th of January
The 14th of the month, Leavetaking of the Theophany and Memory of the Venerable FATHERS massacred at Mount SINAI; the FORTY-THREE Holy FATHERS massacred at RAITHU; the Venerable THEODOULUS, son of Saint Niles the Sinaite; Saint NINO (Nina). Equal to the Apostle and Ulluminator of GEORGIA; our Venerable Father SAVA (Sabas), first Archbishop of SERBIA and founder of the Monastery at CHILANDER on the Holy Mountain of Athos; the Hieromartyr PLATON, Bishop of TALLINN
St. Nino of Georgia
13th of January
The 13th of the month, we celebrate the Memory of the Holy Martyrs HERYLUS and STRATONICUS; our Venerable Father JAMES, Bishop of NISIBIS; our Venerable Father MAXIMUS the KAVSOKALYBITE; the Venerable IRENARCHUS of ROSTOV; the Venerable ELEAZER of ANZERSK; our Holy Father HILARY, Bishop of POITIERS
St. Hilary of Poitiers
12th of January
The 12th of the month, the Memory of the Holy Martyr TATIANA of ROME; the Holy Martyr MERTIUS; our Venerable Father ELIAS the Wonderworker; the Holy Martyr PHILOTHEUS of ANTIOCH; our Venerable Father MARTINIAN of WHITE LAKE (Byeolzersk); the Venerable BENEDICT BISCOP, Abbot of WEARMOUTH.
11th of January
The 11th of the month, Memory of our Holy Godbearing Father THEODOSIUS, the CENOBIARCH; the Venerable VITALIS, who died in peace; the Venerable THEODOSIUS, Abbot of the Monastery of PHILOTHEOU and Bishop of TREBIZOND; the Venerable MICHAEL of KLOPS, Fool-for-Christ.
10th of January
The 10th of the month, Memory of our Holy Father GREGORY, Bishop of NYSSA; our Venerable Father DOMITIAN, Bishop of MELITENE; our Holy Father MARCIAN the STEWARD of the Great Church; our Venerable Father PAUL, founder of the Monastery of OBNORA; our Holy Father THEOPHAN the RECLUSE, Bishop of TAMBOV and VLADIMIR; the Venerable ANTIPAS, the HESYCHAST; our Venerable Fathers MAXIMUS and DOMETIUS of SCETIS; the Holy Hieromartyr ANATOLIUS, Metropolitan of ODESSA
St. Gregory of Nysa
9th of January
On the 9th of the month, we keep the Memory of the Holy Martyr POLYEUCTUS; Venerable EUSTRATIUS the Wonderworker, Abbot of the Monastery of AGAURES in BITHYNIA; Saint PHILIP, Metropolitan of MOSCOW
St. Polyeuctus
8th of January
On the 8th of the month, we keep the Memory of our Venerable Mother DOMNICA (Domnina); our Venerable Father GEORGE the CHOZEBITE; the Holy Hieromartyr Caterterius of CAESAREA; our Venerable Father AGATHON, who died in peace; Saint ATTICUS, Patriarch of CONSTANTINOPLE; the Venerable MACARIUS MAKRES, Abbot of the Monastery of CHRIST PANTOKRATOR; the Holy Martyr ABO of TIFLIS, in Georgia; Saint SEVERINUS, Apostle of NORICUM
St. Domnica
7th of January
On the 7th of the month, we observe the SYNAXIS of the Venerable and Illustrious PROPHET, FORERUNNER and BAPTIST of the Lord, JOHN; translation of the precious relic of the right hand of the Forerunner from Antioch to Constantinople, in the reign of Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus and Romanus II Lecapenus (956-7); Memory of the Holy New Martyr ATHANASIUS of ATTALIA, who suffered at Smyrna in 1700; our Venerable Father CEDD, Abbot LASTINGHAM
6th of January
On the 6th of the month, we keep the feast of the Holy THEOPHANY of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; the Holy Martyr ASSAD AL-HAYEK
5th of January
On the 5th of the month, we keep the VIGIL (Paramone) of the THEOPHANY and the Memory of the Holy Martyrs THEOPEMPTUS and THEONAS; the Venerable SYNCLETICA; our Venerable Father GREGORY of AKRITAS; our Venerable Father PHOSTERIUS; the Holy Monk and New Martyr ROMANUS of CARPENNISION, who was slain by the sword at Constantinople in 1694
4th of January
The 4th of the month, we celebrate the SYNAXIS of the SEVENTY holy and glorious APOSTLES; Memory of the Holy Martyrs, the monk ZOSIMUS and ATHANASIUS the NOTARY; the Venerable APOLLINARIA, a Virgin of senatorial rank, who lived in ascesis in Egypt under the name of Dorotheus; the Holy Monk and New Martyr ONUPHRIUS, who suffered on CHIOS in 1818; our Venerable Father TIMOTHY of KAKHOUCHTA