2025 Saturdays of Souls
to Jun 7

2025 Saturdays of Souls

  • St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

There are three Saturdays of Souls during the Triodion and Great Lent. The first will be on Saturday, February 22; the other two will be on Saturday, March 15, and Saturday, March 22. After that, there will be one more on Saturday, June 7. We should all be able to make at least one of those services to remember our departed loved ones and friends. Please look for the memorial prayer binder on the narthex table, and list your departed loved ones (first names) so that they can be prayed for during the service you will attend.

  • Orthros - 6am

  • Divine Liturgy - 8am

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Feast of the Presentation of our Lord in the Temple
10:00 AM10:00

Feast of the Presentation of our Lord in the Temple

  • St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This year, the conclusion for this wonderful festal season will fall on a Sunday. On Saturday, February 1, we will offer Great Vespers for the Feast of the Presentation at 6pm, and then all the other festal services will happen at the usual time on Sunday morning, February 2. It’s a special blessing to be able to wrap up these forty festal days on a weekend, so let’s be sure and take advantage of that and be present as often as we can on Saturday, February 1, and Sunday, February 2.

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Service for the Victims of Abortion
7:00 PM19:00

Service for the Victims of Abortion

  • St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Abortion is the great evil of our time, and each year, in January, we offer The Service for the Victims of Abortion. The victims include not only the unborn children who have died, but the men and women who are participant in those deaths, the siblings who never had a chance to meet their sisters and brothers, and our entire culture that has been denied the perspectives and insights and contributions of those we did not allow to be born. In addition to praying for all those folks, we will also be collecting supplies (Baby hygiene products; Diapers size 4, 5, 6; Baby healthcare kits; Sippy cups; Wide neck baby bottles; Baby outfits size 3-6 months) for the Williamson County Pregnancy Help Center. Please join us at 7pm on Friday, January 31.

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Feast of Theophany
to Jan 12

Feast of Theophany

  • St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The most important celebration in this upcoming festal season will be The Great Feast of Theophany. We will start the festivities by serving The Royal Hours for the feast at noon on Friday, January 3. Then, on Sunday, January 5, after a brief Fellowship Hour, we will offer Great Vespers and The Lesser Blessing of the Waters no later than 1pm.

On the morning of the feast, Monday January 6, we will serve Orthros at 5am and the Divine Liturgy and Greater Blessing of the Waters at 7am.

On Sunday, January 12, we will join with all the other Orthodox parishes in the area to offer The Outdoor Blessing of the Waters at Twin Lakes Park. After a short Fellowship Hour, we will all head over to the park (204 E Little Elm Trail); the service will be held in the amphitheater just off the parking lot, and we’ll get started no later than 1pm. Our choir will be singing, so plan on joining us and all of our sister communities as we bless the creation with the grace and mercy of the Most Holy Trinity.

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Feast of the Nativity
10:00 AM10:00

Feast of the Nativity

  • St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Christmas falls on a Wednesday this year, so that means on Tuesday, December 24, we will offer Orthros at 5am, the Royal Hours at 9am, and then the first Liturgy for the Feast (St Basil’s) at noon. On Christmas Day, we will serve Orthros at 8am and Divine Liturgy at 10am. Please note that there will not be any sort of Fellowship Hour or coffee service following either of those liturgies, so please plan accordingly.

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Feast of St. Nicholas
7:00 AM07:00

Feast of St. Nicholas

  • St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

On Friday, December 6, we will be celebrating the Feast of St Nicholas. St Nicholas is, of course, the patron of children (and grandchildren and godchildren), so if you are a parent or grandparent or godparent, you really ought to join us for those services so you can ask the holy hierarch to intercede for all those that you love. We will serve Great Vespers on Thursday, December 5, at 7pm; on the morning of the feast, Friday, December 6th, we will offer Orthros at 5am and Divine Liturgy at 7am.

Also, please don’t forget that the St Nicholas Box is now in the narthex: You may bring new, unwrapped toys or children’s winter wear to place in the box. Donations will be collected on December 15th and taken to Blue Santa. Thank you for your generosity!

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Nativity Paraclesis
to Dec 18

Nativity Paraclesis

  • St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

During the Nativity Fast, we will be serving the Nativity Paraclesis on Wednesday evenings at 7pm. We will offer the service on November 27, and also on December 4, 11, and the 18th. Our hope is that everyone will do their best to join us for at least one of the evenings, but, of course, you’re welcome to attend as often as you would like.

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Feast of the Entrance of the Mother of God
7:00 AM07:00

Feast of the Entrance of the Mother of God

  • St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

On Thursday, November 21, we will celebrate The Feast of the Entrance. We’ll serve Great Vespers on Wednesday, November 20, at 7pm, and then, on the day of the feast, we will offer Orthros at 5am and Divine Liturgy at 7am. Please join us as we honor the Most Holy Theotokos as we commemorate her entrance into the temple at Jerusalem.

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Feast of St. Raphael of Brooklyn, Good Shepherd of the Lost Sheep in America
8:00 AM08:00

Feast of St. Raphael of Brooklyn, Good Shepherd of the Lost Sheep in America

  • St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This coming Saturday, November 2, we will be celebrating the Feast of St Raphael of Brooklyn. St Raphael was the first Orthodox bishop consecrated in North America; he started a number of parishes and built several temples—and his icon and relic are on display in our nave! So, he’s just the saint we need praying for us and for our growing community.

We will offer Orthros at 6am and Divine Liturgy at 8am; we use that schedule so you can participate in the services, and then go on and do all your normal Saturday Stuff, so plan on joining us bright and early this coming Saturday morning.

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Feast of the Elevation of the Holy Cross
8:00 AM08:00

Feast of the Elevation of the Holy Cross

  • St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

On Saturday, September 14, we will celebrate the Feast of the Elevation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross. The new Episcopal Vicar for our Diocese, Father Calinic Berger will also join us for that entire weekend; he will be at all the Divine Services that weekend. We will keep our regular weekend schedule of Saturday evening and Sunday morning, but, for the Feast of the Elevation, we will offer Great Vespers on Friday, September 13, at 7pm , and then, on Saturday, the day of the feast, we will offer Orthros at 6am and Divine Liturgy at 8am.

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All-Night Vigil for St. Eanswythe
to Aug 31

All-Night Vigil for St. Eanswythe

  • St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The vigil will be served on the night of Friday, August 30, and into the morning of Saturday, August 31. August 31 is the feast day of St Eanswythe of Folkestone, the Patroness of our Capital Campaign, and, with that vigil, we will also begin gathering the information for our Three Year Pledges.

A vigil is a series of services that are offered back to back; typically that’s done at night. Most of us are familiar with the Paschal Vigil, which is simply The Midnight Office, Orthros, and the Divine Liturgy all run together. However, for special saints and special occasions, it’s customary to also offer a vigil—and, for our parish, Eanswythe of Folkestone is definitely one of our favorite saints, and the only occasion that will be more exciting than kicking off fund-raising for our new temple will be the completion and consecration of that new facility. So offering a vigil just makes sense.

Here is the specific schedule for the services that will begin on the night of Friday, August 30th:

  • 11:00 pm - Little Compline with the Canon of Preparation for Holy Communion and the Akathist Hymn

  • Around 11:50pm - Great Vespers with Litia and Artoklasia

  • Around 12:50am - Festal Orthros

  • Around 2:35am - Divine Liturgy (which will wrap up about 4am on Saturday, August 31)

And, no, you don’t have to stay up all night. Vigils are designed to be come and go events. However, since this series of services is going to be so very historic, you are, for sure, going to want to be able to tell your godchildren and grandchildren that you were there. And let’s be honest: There’s no reason why single folks can’t stay up all night on a Friday. And as far as folks with families are concerned, one parent can represent the whole family while the other stays home with the children. Bottom line: This just isn’t something you want to miss.

And don’t forget: We’ve already put our new St Eanswythe Reliquary on display back during the Pascha Book Study, but, during her Vigil, we will open the reliquary up. That means you will be able to reverence the cloth that was blessed on our Patroness’ skull, and that will be a wonderful opportunity to intercede, not only for all those that you love, but also for the quick completion of our new temple.

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2024 Fall Theological Seminar
to Nov 13

2024 Fall Theological Seminar

  • St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This year our Fall Theological Seminar promises to be a whole lot of fun. We’re going to be reading a book by a Protestant pastor; the book is called Stability, and it’s available in the bookstore. But we’re not only going to be talking about the spiritual advantages—and challenges—of sticking it out in a particular community, we’re also going to be talking with folks in our parish who have done just that. Below is the schedule for the readings and the interviews. We will be meeting in the parish house each Wednesday evening at 7pm through the start of Nativity Lent, and, while we will have an online option available for those folks who live at a distance, let’s not forget that the conversation is always richer and more meaningful if you are actually present.

  • Aug 28 Introduction: Stability, History, and Holy Orthodoxy

  • Sept 4 Reading Assignment: A True Story. Guest: Pat K.

  • Sept 11 Reading Assignment: Introduction. Guest: Vera P.

  • Sept 18 Reading Assignment: Chapter 1. Stability and God. Guests: Rob and Becky T.

  • Sept 25 Reading Assignment: Chapter 2. Stability and Self. Guests: Matt and Valerie G.

  • Oct 2 Reading Assignment: Chapter 3. Stability and Relationships Guest: Rick K.

  • Oct 9 Reading Assignment: Chapter 4. Stability and Place. Guests: Jerry and Maggie B.

  • Oct 16 Reading Assignment: Chapter 5. Stability and Change. Guests: Chris and Sarah S.

  • Oct 23 Reading Assignment: Chapter 6. Practices of Stability. Guest: Baker G.

  • Oct 30 Reading Assignment: Chapter 7. Where Do We Stay From Here? p 125-134. Guest: Mary K.

  • Nov 6 Reading Assignment: Chapter 7. Where Do We Stay From Here? p 134-148. Guests: John and Lindsey B.

  • Nov 13 Conclusion: The Final Stability

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Pentecost Weekend
to Jun 24

Pentecost Weekend

  • St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This coming weekend will be especially busy and especially joyful because Sunday is the Great Feast of Pentecost and that following Monday, June 24, is our parish feast day, The Nativity of the Forerunner. So, here’s what the schedule will look like:

  • Saturday, June 22, is the final Saturday of Souls for 2024. We will offer Orthros at 6am and serve the Divine Liturgy at 8am; that evening we will serve Great Vespers for Pentecost, and then we will Beat the Bounds, processing around our property, blessing the land and all the creatures, and whupping up on our King Herod piñata.

  • Sunday, June 23, is the Great Feast of Pentecost. We will keep the usual Sunday morning schedule—Orthros at 8am with Divine Liturgy at 10am, then we will have our Annual Pentecost Picnic (featuring, in honor of the Holy Forerunner, fried locusts and wild honey), and then, no later than 1pm, we will offer the beautiful service of Kneeling Vespers, which, this year, will be combined with hymns for the Nativity of the Forerunner

  • Monday, June 24, is our parish feast day, and we will offer Orthros at 5am and Divine Liturgy at 7am.

We hope to see you at all the Divine Services, and we hope you will join us for all the fun activities!

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Feast of the Ascension
7:00 AM07:00

Feast of the Ascension

  • St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

On Thursday, June 13, we will celebrate the Feast of the Ascension. We will offer Great Vespers at 7pm on Wednesday, June 12, and then, on the day of the feast, we will serve Orthros at 5am and Divine Liturgy at 7am. Join with us as we rejoice in the Entrance of Christ Jesus into the Kingdom of Heaven.

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Annual Blessing of Animals
4:30 PM16:30

Annual Blessing of Animals

  • St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

On Saturday, May 25, we are going to have our annual Blessing of Animals. Monday, May 27 is the feast day of St Melangell of Wales; she had a special relationship with rabbits. However, there are a great many saints that have had close relationships with all sorts of animals, and the birds and the beasts and the creatures of the sea are going to be redeemed along with all of us. We already bless domestic animals when we do House Blessings each year, but bringing our pets to the parish for a blessing is even more fun.  However, we want everyone--humans and pets--to participate in the blessing in a way that is safe and healthy, so we consulted with Jason F., a member of our community who's been a vet for a number of decades, and we’ve put together some guidelines for the event. Please read through them carefully: 

  • The blessing will take place outside. Animals will not be allowed either in the Parish House or the Long Hall.

  • We will gather in the area between the Long Hall and the Parish House at 4:30pm on Saturday, May 25. The service will be the Ninth Hour, and it will most likely take about 20 minutes. 

  • All small animals (cats, gerbils, lizards, guinea pigs, hamsters, snakes, etc) must be in containers, and they must stay in those containers while they are on parish property. 

  • All dogs must be on leashes, and they must be leashed the entire time they are on parish property. Young children should not be allowed to control dogs; a responsible adult must handle the leashed dog. Also, if you have a dog that is aggressive or nervous or that does not interact well with humans or other animals, please do not bring it to the parish. We will be happy to bless aggressive and anxious dogs at their homes. 

  • Domestic farm animals (goats, sheep, pigs, cattle, horses) are welcome, but they must remain in the trailers or vehicles in which they are transported. 

  • There should not be any contact between any of the animals while they are on parish property. 

  • All dogs and cats must be vaccinated. Dogs must have had Distemper (DHPP), Kennel Cough (Bordetella) and Rabies. Cats must have had Feline Distemper or upper respiratory vaccine (FVRCP) and Rabies. If you have questions about any of those vaccinations, Jason has indicated that he will be happy to communicate with you on our parish Discord platform. If your dog or cat does not have all those vaccination, and you would still like the animal to be blessed, you are welcome to attend the service, but the dog or cat must stay in your car. One of the priests will bless the animal while it is in the car. 

  • Please bring water in a bottle or a bowl for your pet. 

  • Please bring plastic bags and be prepared to clean up after your pet when they have a bowel movement. 

That may seem like a lot, but it's pretty normal pet stuff, and it will ensure that our Blessing of Animals is a beautiful service that honors the Most Holy Trinity. And, notice, it is a worship service--that means we're not organizing a temporary dog park or a petting zoo. We're going to read prayers, bless all the animals with holy water, and sing some hymns. Then those of us who do not have pet responsibilities will go into the Long Hall for Great Vespers--and Great Vespers will feature hymns that have been specifically composed for the occasion. If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with Father Aidan or Jason.

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to Jun 5

2024 Pascha Book Study

  • St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Every year, we build upon the spiritual blessings that we acquire during Great Lent by participating in The Pascha Book Study. The study always begins on Bright Wednesday—this year, that will be on May 8—and it runs every Wednesday evening through the entire season (the final Wednesday evening, we all attend Great Vespers for the Feast of the Ascension). The group begins at 7pm, and, this year, we’re going to be working our way through the text of The Akathist for a New Temple. We’ve been reading through that long hymn for just about a year now, but, during those five Wednesday evenings, we’re going to be talking about all the Biblical references and all the saints that are in the poem, and we will also be talking about what that means for our Capital Campaign which will officially begin in just a few months. That will be fun, but, on the final Wednesday evening, we will also have a very special surprise that you simply won’t want to miss, so, if you don’t already have a copy of the Akathist, pick one up at Christ the Lightgiver (start praying through it each week), and plan on joining us May 8, 15, 22, 29, and June 5, at 7pm.

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Holy Week
to May 4

Holy Week

  • St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS



Palm Sunday

  • Orthros 8am

  • Divine Liturgy 10am

  • Bridegroom Orthros 6pm


Great and Holy Monday

  • Pre-Sanctified Liturgy 6am

  • Bridegroom Orthros 7pm


Great and Holy Tuesday

  • Pre-Sanctified Liturgy 6am

  • Bridegroom Orthros 7pm


Great and Holy Wednesday

  • Pre-Sanctified Liturgy 6am

  • Service of Holy Unction 7pm


Great and Holy Thursday

  • Vesperal Divine Liturgy of St Basil 6am

  • Service of the Twelve Holy Gospels 7pm


Great and Holy Friday

  • Royal Hours 9am

  • Descent from the Cross Vespers Noon

  • Service of Lamentations 7pm


Great and Holy Saturday

  • Vesperal Divine Liturgy of St Basil 8am

  • Services of the Great and Holy Pascha 11pm


The Great and Holy Pascha

  • Agape Vespers 2pm

  • Paschal Picnic 3pm

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Feast of the Annunciation
7:00 AM07:00

Feast of the Annunciation

  • St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We will offer Great Vespers for the feast after a brief Fellowship Hour on Sunday, this coming Sunday, March 24 (the service will begin no later than 1pm). On the day of the feast, Monday, March 25, we will serve Orthros at 5am and Divine Liturgy at 7am. Join us as we honor the Most Holy Theotokos on this lovely feast day.

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2024 Saturdays of Souls
to Jun 22

2024 Saturdays of Souls

  • St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This year, the Saturdays of Souls fall on March 9 and March 30, as well as on April 6 and June 22. On those Saturdays, we pray for our departed friends and loved ones, but we also prepare for our departure from this life, and our Burial Society can help us with a lot of those practical details. Members of the society will be present on March 9 and April 6, along with a representative from Beck Funeral Home, and they can answer all your questions and help get you started on that process that so very many of us just try to postpone (on those Saturdays, a light breakfast will also be provided). Since there are four Saturdays of Souls, our hope is that all of us will attend the Divine Services on at least one of those days, so look at your calendar and go ahead and pick a Saturday on which you can join us.

  • Orthros - 6am

  • Divine Liturgy - 8am

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Feast of the Presentation (Meeting) of our Lord in the Temple
7:00 AM07:00

Feast of the Presentation (Meeting) of our Lord in the Temple

  • St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

On Friday, February 2, we will close out this Festal Season with the Feast of the Presentation of our Lord and Master in the Temple. On Thursday, February 1, we will offer Great Vespers at 7pm; on Friday, the day of the feast, we will serve Orthros at 5am and Divine Liturgy at 7am. Join us as we finish up the celebration we began back on December 25th!

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Service for the Victims of Abortion
7:00 PM19:00

Service for the Victims of Abortion

  • St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

On Friday, January 26, we will offer The Service for the Victims of Abortion. By Orthodox standards, the service is pretty short, but we will start promptly at 7pm, and we will offer up to the Most Holy Trinity our prayers for all children and parents and for those folks who are victims of the great moral evil of our age.

We will also be collecting supplies for Bastrop Pregnancy Resource Center (www.bastropprc.org). The list of things they need includes blankets, bottles, sippy cups, formula, potty training underwear, girls’ winter clothes and pajamas, sizes 12mo-5T, and board books. So please buy a number of those items and bring them with you to the service on the 26th.

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Feast of Theophany
8:00 AM08:00

Feast of Theophany

  • St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This year, the Great Feast of Theophany falls on a Saturday. So, on Friday, January 5, we will offer the Royal Hours for the feast at noon and Great Vespers for the feast at 5pm. On Saturday, January 6, we will serve Orthros at 6am and Divine Liturgy and the Blessing of the Water at 8am. We will also join other Orthodox communities in the area on Sunday, January 14, for the Outdoor Blessing of the Waters at Twin Lakes Park at 1pm.

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Feast of the Circumcision
8:00 AM08:00

Feast of the Circumcision

  • St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

On Sunday, December 31, we will follow the regular Sunday schedule, but we will have a brief, coffee only, Fellowship Hour, and then we will offer Great Vespers for the Circumcision no later than 1pm. The following morning, Monday, January 1, we will offer Orthros at 6am and Divine Liturgy at 8am.

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Feast of the Nativity
10:00 AM10:00

Feast of the Nativity

  • St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Since the Feast of Nativity falls on a Monday this year, we will offer the Royal Hours for the feast on Friday, December 22 at noon. Great Vespers for Nativity will be served no later than 1pm on Sunday, December 24, Christmas Eve, after a very brief, coffee only, Fellowship Hour. The services for the feast will continue on Monday, December 25, with Orthros at 8am and Divine Liturgy at 10am (and no Fellowship Hour after the Liturgy). Please plan on joining us as often as you can for the services.

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Feast of St. Nicholas
7:00 AM07:00

Feast of St. Nicholas

  • St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This coming Wednesday, we will celebrate the Feast of St Nicholas. Great Vespers will be served on Tuesday evening at 7pm; on Wednesday, December 6, we will offer Orthros at 5am and Divine Liturgy at 7am. St Nicholas is the patron of all children, so this is a wonderful opportunity for all parents and grandparents and godparents to pray for the children in their lives.

Also, please don’t forget that the St Nicholas Box is now in the narthex: You may bring a new, unwrapped toy to place in the box, and all the toys we collect will be donated to Blue Santa following the festal services on December 6.

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Nativity Paraclesis
to Dec 20

Nativity Paraclesis

  • St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

During the Nativity Fast, we always offer the Nativity Paraclesis on Wednesday evenings at 7pm. This year, there will be six of those services—on November 15, 22, 29 and December 6, 13, 20—so all of us should be able to make at least one of them. So please go ahead and note on your calendar the services in which you will be able to participate.

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Feast of the Elevation of the Holy Cross
7:00 AM07:00

Feast of the Elevation of the Holy Cross

  • St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This coming Thursday, September 14, we will celebrate the Feast of the Elevation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross. We will offer Great Vespers on Wednesday, September 13, at 6pm, right before the Fall Theological Seminar, and then on the next day, we will serve Orthros at 5am and Divine Liturgy at 7am.

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Feast of the Nativity of the Mother of God
7:00 AM07:00

Feast of the Nativity of the Mother of God

  • St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The first major feast of the year will be The Nativity of the Mother of God on September 8th. We will offer Great Vespers for the feast on Thursday, September 7, at 7pm, and on Friday, September 8 we will serve Orthros at 5am and Divine Liturgy at 7am. Plan on joining us as we honor the Most Holy Theotokos on her birthday.

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