
Outline: Preface. Introduction: 1. Praise God in His Saints! 2. The Synaxarion in the Tradition of the Church; 3. The Present Edition

St. Nilus of Sora:

I pray that this may benefit those who read it or hear it and beg them, for the love of God, to pray that I may find grace in His sight because I have worked hard at this task, seeking in this way to fulfill the commandment to love God and my neighbor. May we, contemplating the lives of the holy Fathers, be filled with their zeal in all our works, and with them possess life everlasting. True love of neighbor is to stir him up to love God and to keep His commandments, obedient to the divine words and to the life and teachings of the holy Fathers, so that he may live in godliness and be saved. Although I am a sinner, wretched and unfit for any good work, I long for the salvation of a multitude of my brethren.

Russian Hesychasm. The Spirituality of Nilus Sorski

Assembly of All the Saints