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A New Bible Study

For Orthodox Christians, the Holy Scriptures are the pinnacle and crown of Holy Tradition.  There are readings assigned for every service, and the texts of the services themselves are snippets of Scripture woven together. But even though we are literally awash in Holy Scripture, many of us do not spend time in dedicated study of it. The in-depth knowledge that we gain from such study is particularly important for us here in Central Texas, because we still live in an Orthodox Mission field. For many of us, this means that the majority of our loved ones are Protestants of one variety or another who have a deep and abiding love of the Bible. As such, if we aren’t able to communicate with them about the teachings and practices of the Church as they appear in Holy Scripture, then they will have a hard time hearing what we have to say. With this in mind, Fr. Dn. Andrew will begin offering a weekly Bible Study on Wednesday nights from 7:00 - 8:00 PM. Beginning with the Gospel According to St. Matthew, the study will work its way through the Holy Scriptures verse by verse. The first meeting will be Wednesday, June 3rd on Zoom (meeting details to follow at a later date). Going forward, the plan is to hold the study at the parish house while also continuing to stream the meeting online via Zoom. This approach should allow the most people to have the opportunity to attend.  If you have any questions, please email Dn. Andrew.

Earlier Event: April 22
Pascha Book Study
Later Event: December 24
Nativity Services